Gestión de Activos
Start today. Guarantee a better future for your investments. Because today’s the best day to invest. Invest with us.

Wherever you are, invest with us.

Bankinter Gestión de Activos offers a set of Mutual Funds, aimed at all those who seek a simple and tax-efficient way to invest their savings in the medium/long term. 
These solutions, available for different Investor profiles, benefit from management based on strict investment criteria, both for diversification among and within asset classes and geographies and for capital preservation, always with the aim of maximising the risk/return on your investment.

We highlight the following as the main advantages:
1. Solutions for different risk profiles;
2. Tax efficiency;
3. Daily liquidity;
4. Both one off and scheduled subscriptions;
5. Available digitally, through the Bankinter Mobile App, you can subscribe or reinforce your PPR Mutual  Funds anytime and anywhere.

  • Bankinter 25 PPR

    Bankinter 25 PPR

    Diversified fund for prudent investors with up to 25% exposure in equities.

  • Bankinter 50 PPR

    Diversified fund for moderate investors with up to 50% exposure in equities.

  • Bankinter 75 PPR

    Diversified fund for dynamic investors with up to 75% exposure in equities.

  • Bankinter Obrigações EUR 2027 PPR

    Bankinter Obrigações EUR 2025 PPR

    New Investment Fund “Bankinter Obrigações EUR 2025 PPR”, from €500 and without subscription commission during the marketing period.

  • Bankinter Mega TT PPR

    Global Equity fund with exposure to new trends.

  • Bankinter Rendimento PPR

    Bankinter Rendimento PPR

    Fund for very conservative investors with no exposure to equities.

  • Bankinter Obrigações PPR

    Bankinter Obrigações PPR

    Global bond fund with no equity market exposure.

  • Bankinter Obrigações EUR 2025 PPR

    Bankinter Obrigações EUR 2027 PPR

    New Investment Fund “Bankinter Obrigações EUR 2027 PPR”, from €500 and without subscription commission during the marketing period.

A configuração é necessária

Bankinter Investment Funds Subscription - Now available on the Bankinter Mobile App.


Not yet a Bankinter customer? Open an account now.

Investment Philosophy:

Bankinter Gestión de Activos’s investment philosophy is based on 4 important steps:

1. Medium/Long Term Time horizon - We take investment decisions based on fundamental criteria, with a medium/long term approach, not giving in to day to day impulses.

2. Investment Maintenance - To obtain the maximum potential from an asset class, we always maintain as rational a posture as possible, even in periods of high volatility in the markets.

3. Diversification - We spread your investments across a wide range of asset classes and geographies, which does not guarantee against loss, but ensures that not all investments in the portfolio react in the same way to each event.

4. Implementation - We use the most advanced quantitative techniques in formulating our investment strategies.

General Conditions

- Minimum Investment Amounts: Class A - €500 / Class B - €250,000; 
- Additional Subscriptions: Class A - €250 / Class B - €10,000; 
- Scheduled Subscriptions: Class A - €25 / Class B - €1,000; 
- Daily Liquidity: The amounts invested may be redeemed at any time; 
- Term: Undetermined (may be redeemed); 
- Recommended Investment Horizon: The minimum recommended holding period for these Funds should be more than 5 years.

Costs and Charges

Payable by the Participant  
Subscription Fee 0%

Transfer Fee


Redemption Fee


Under the terms of article 6 of Law no. 19/2022, of 21 October, if the conditions laid down therein are met, you may redeem your PPR, PPE and PPR/E without any penalty or loss of tax benefits until 31 December 2023. For further clarifications, contact your Relationship Manager or call 210 548 000 (the cost of the call to the national fixed network depends on the tariff agreed with your telecommunications operator).