Daily information powered by the expertise of Bankinter’s specialists.

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To help you keep in touch with the financial markets’ movements, Bankinter has reinforced its market information channels. Every day, early hours, you’ll have access to information from our Research team via the following channels:

Telegram | Relevant Information Note before the opening of European markets, until 8:00. 

In AppStore or Google Play download the App Telegram Messenger and complete the registration with the mobile number. In the Chats option, search for "Análise Bankinter Portugal" or for "AnaliseBankinterPortugal".

*The information notes are in portuguese.

Spotify | Daily podcast with Research information in audio, until 9:00. Analysis Bankinter Portugal - Podcast on Spotify.

*The podcast is in portuguese.

Emailing |  Daily report with complete information about the markets, during the morning.

*The reports are in portuguese.

WhatsApp | Daily dissemination of complete information about the markets. Add the number 915 001 001 to your contacts in the Whatsapp app or access here.

*The information notes are in portuguese.

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