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Fundos Top 10 mais Rentáveis

Investment Funds

Top 10 most performing

Name Category

1 Year Return (%)

Rating  Risk ISIN Buy
Pictet Digital HR EUR Sector Equities Other 52,96% - 6 LU0474967485 comprar


JPM US Technology D (acc) EUR Sector Equities Technology 52,43% *** 7 LU0159053015 comprar


JPM US Technology D (acc) USD Sector Equities Technology 52,21% *** 7 LU0117885052 comprar


Pictet Digital R EUR Sector Equities Technology 51,79% ** 6 LU0340555134 comprar


Pictet Digital R USD Sector Equities Technology 51,63% ** 6 LU0101692753 comprar


BGF Japan Flexible Equity E2 EUR Hedged Sector Equities Other 50,81% - 6 LU0277197835 comprar


Janus Henderson Hrzn GlbTechLdrs A2EUR Sector Equities Technology 49,64% **** 6 LU0572952280 comprar


BGF US Growth E2 EUR US Large-Cap Growth Equity 48,77% *** 6 LU0171298218 comprar


BGF US Growth E2 USD US Large-Cap Growth Equity 48,55% *** 6 LU0147387970 comprar


Allianz Cyber Security AT EUR Acc Sector Equities Technology 48,52% *** 7 LU2286300988 comprar



Data as 15.03.2024 Morningstar

The reported returns represent past data, not constituting a guarantee of future returns.

The value of the Fund's units may increase or decrease depending on the respective risk level, which varies between 1 (minimum risk) and 6 (maximum risk).

This information does not dispense with the careful reading of the Prospectus (Simplified and Complete) of the Fund and Particular Conditions of the Distributor (when applicable), which contain the conditions applied to the subscription and redemption operations of the Fund's units, documents that you must read before make the investment decision.

All annual returns based on a period longer than 1 year will only be obtained if the investment is made during the entire reference period. .



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